My Tanzania
- Published: Tuesday, 10 October 2017 09:06
- Hits: 300

by Julia Weinelt
Travel is always about change. Not just a change of climate, people, and culture, but also a transformation of our thinking and awareness. Similarly, our journey to Tanzania influenced me, changed my perspective, and broadened my horizons.
Tanzania and Austria are two completely different worlds. What I have always taken for granted in Austria, like water from the tap, is a rarity in Tanzania. This has made me more conscious of how I use water. During this trip, I realised that the amount of water I use for a single shower could probably sustain a family in Tanzania for a week. It struck me that a significant number of people around the world are forced to live in ways that we Europeans would find unimaginable.
Of course, I was aware that not everyone enjoys the level of affluence we experience daily. However, through this journey, my understanding of poverty gained colour, faces, and names. And yet, these people often seem happier than we Europeans with all our so-called wealth. They are content with what they have. They showed me that it is possible to lead a joyful life without material possessions—through faith in God and a sense of community.