Mission statement and history

Mission Statement:

The purpose of the foundation "Promoting Youth - Leaping Borders" is to give as many young people as possible the opportunity of an education, so that they can help to build a new world community with their strength, their talents, their hope, their faith and their love. No young person should have to go hungry or not be able to go to school.

It is about supporting external needs such as food, clothing, housing and work as well as promoting internal necessities such as schooling, intellectual, spiritual, cultural and social education. Young people of different cultures and religions should meet each other and contribute to the development and strengthening of friendly relations between peoples and religions and thus to securing peace.

One example is St. Timothy. He was discovered and encouraged by the apostle Paul. Approached by him in his native Lystra, he was ready to set out with Paul for an uncertain future. He got to know different cultures and countries, traveled with Paul to Europe, suffered with him the dangers of travel and the persecutions of men, he went to prison with Paul. Timothy's courage can be an example to young people. Through his willingness, Timothy eventually became responsible for the church leadership of the Christians of Ephesus.



The foundation was established by Father Martin Rupprecht in 2002 on the occasion of his 10th anniversary as a priest. It sees itself as an individual aid opportunity and a supplement to the large aid organizations.


In 2021, a branch office was established in Dar es Salaam. This enables us to coordinate aid on the Ground.

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The Foundation Newsletter is published at irregular intervals and informs about current news from the Foundation and its projects in and for Africa.