Benefit concert for children in Ethiopia and Tanzania
- Published: Saturday, 12 November 2022 23:10
- Hits: 316
Our foundation organized a benefit concert in favor of children in Ethiopia and Tanzania in the Rudolfsheim church. The reason was a topical one: The war in Ukraine and the Corona crisis had made us forget the need in Africa. But there, too, everything has become more expensive: by a factor of two to three! Families, who were doing quite well until now, have to go hungry. Children can no longer go to school because they are needed for work in the fields, or their parents cannot provide food.
The evening offered a musical mixture of countries in which the foundation was active. In between, there were contributions from children from Ethiopia and Tanzania.
The Wiener Bezirkszeitung wrote an excellent article about this. Here you can read it and watch video clips of the work.
Thanks to all donors!